Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Love it in the morning. . . Dream by Alice Smith:

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I'm so excited to share this new beginning with you on my blog. It seems like perfect timing as I started a new job that is fulfilling me in all ways I could ask for from work. Now, the challenge is to keep my life in balance despite the insanely long hours most days/nights at work. While I'm satisfied with the career and growth opportunity I am swimming in, I still need to remember there is more to life than just "work". .. and that I want more from my life. I think my travels have contributed to my perspective of a meaningful and satisfying and peaceful/happy life. While I love working, relationships and my personal passions and health are extremely important to me. All these areas are probably never equal in my time and effort and focus, but I will always make sure they are in consideration and not forgotten to be nurtured as well.

My blog was to focus on the meshing of cooking and travel and life/inspiring stories with cooking and traveling at its nucleus. It didn't take long before I realized this blog was morphing in to something I didn't want it to be--personal. But, I guess that is what writing is to me. . . it's a form of expression, an outlet, and a means through which I can self reflect for my own personal growth and awareness and also with a greater hope of being able to inspire others.

While cooking and travel are inspiring passions of mine, dance and music have always been an important element in my life. I've realized even more so now how powerful movement and music-lyrics and rhythms-are. As most everyone is fully aware, salsa dancing has been a love of mine for several years now. "It" taught me how to be present and live in the moment. This was one of the most important lessons I have learned and practice well to this day. Now, I am learning how to truly love myself and have a strong inner confidence and strength.

Over a year ago, after a cheating boyfriend, I started pole dancing. About half a year had passed since my first introduction class, but the timing was right this time. Something pushed me, and I impulsively signed up for my first session at SFactor. Now, I am addicted. I recently tried to convince myself not to sign up for another expensive session, but I felt like I was going through withdrawal. I tried another studio but walked out early and made a phone call to sign up again at SFactor. My body craved the delicious swirls, drippy movements, exhilarating inversions, strong climbing and flying spins. . . and all this to amazing music that inspires moving meditation. The journey has been wonderful, and my mind and body are not ready to stop.

I've decided to get over confining my blog to stories about food and travel and now beginning to added music and maybe even movement clips that I find inspiring and make me feel good. . .or even bad. . .but that make me FEEL and take me somewhere within myself. Music and dance tell their own stories, and we create our own with our relationships to and with them.

Now, there's not so much reason for me adding this song by Sharon Jones & The Dap Kings other than I just wanted to try imbedding a video into the blogger and happened to be listening to this song since I recently downloaded it as of Sunday after I heard it beating from the pole class before me. I am loving the soul music and sultry sounds. .. and the lyrics tell entertaining stories. Hope you enjoy and find it nourishing food for your soul. :)

"The happiness of a man in this life does not consist in the absence but in the mastery of his passions.” - Alfred, Lord Tennyson

As soon as the first day of cold weather came at the onset of fall, I was inspired to try out some new soup recipes. Curling up with a steaming bowl of home-made soup makes the dreaded Northern winters much more bearable. It’s hard to write about the brutal coldness when it’s almost 60 degrees today just a couple days before Thanksgiving. But, there were at least several bitter, cold and windy days recently that moved me towards the kitchen to prepare some soups-roasting veggies and simmering broths-filling the apartment air with delicious smells and comforting warmth.

I used to be afraid to make soups, but then learned they are light as far as labor intensity goes and pretty harmless. . . you can’t really mess them up that much and there is a lot of room for playing around with ingredients and flavors that make them fun. The most important ingredient though for me that I’ve learned to practice with when making soups is patience. . .because it takes time to roast or just let simmer. It’s a good time to fill with clean up I guess. I’ll break the soups down to the basics so it doesn’t seem so scary, and I’ll just give a rough estimate of the amounts for each ingredient since it can really be personalized to taste and desired outcome:

Soup Number One: Carrot Ginger
1 medium Onion, chopped
3 cloves Garlic, minced
3 tablespoons Olive Oil
1/3 cup Ginger Root, finely chopped
1 ½ pounds Carrots, diced
Salt & Pepper
Cumin or curry powder (optional)
6 cups Vegetable stock or Water (I prefer homemade stock)

Heat olive oil in a large pot over medium heat and add onion, garlic and ginger and sauté for about 5 minutes until the onion becomes translucent, but be careful not to burn anything.
Add the stock and carrots and bring to a boil.
Reduce heat and let simmer uncovered for about 40 minutes, until the carrots are tender.
Puree the soup in a blender in batches to the desired consistency. I always like the soup to have some texture as it feels heartier.
Season with salt and pepper and cumin (optional) to taste

Soup Number Two: Roasted Eggplant & Tomato
2 medium Eggplants, halved
2 medium tomatoes, halved
1 large onion, halved
6 cloves of garlic, whole
6 cups Vegetable stock
2 tbsp dried thyme (or any other dried herbs you like)
¼ cup heavy cream (optional)
crumbled goat cheese (optional)

Preheat oven to 450 degrees and roast all the vegetables and garlic on a sheetpan(s). This should take about 45 minutes when the veggies will start to brown in spots. But, remove the garlic cloves after about 20 minutes or else they will burn!
Remove the vegetables from the oven and scoop out the insides of the eggplant in to a large sauce pan or soup pot.
Add the rest of the vegetables, garlic thyme and stock and bring to a boil. Then, let simmer for about 45 minutes.
When ready, puree in batches to your desired consistency.
Once back in the pot, you can add the cream here and stir in well.
I recommend topping each serving with crumbled goat cheese and home-made croutons.

I think that's a good start for the fall and preview to the upcoming winter. Have Fun!