Sunday, December 26, 2010

Above all, be true to yourself, and if you cannot put your heart in it, take yourself out of it. - unknown author

Sitting in my dark room with candles lit, drinking tea, listening to jazz and blogging-the first real big snowstorm has hit, the day after Christmas.

Sometimes it takes deprivation in order to regain a consciousness of appreciation-for your health, for those around you and for the opportunities you have. Although I was only sick with the flu this week, it still made me reflect on the fragility of life and how we can really not take anything for granted. Every day must be lived to the maximum in the way that you feel best-so that you are getting the most juice from the fruit. It's hard to live in New York and internalize the rationality that life is not so serious and that the superficiality and material should not be the utmost priority. We forget and lose sight of the greater world and "meaning" that we can create if that's something that is important to you. We must take risks and surpass our fears and crush through the obstacles by changing our mindset and perspective. Ask yourself-what are you afraid of? Failure, Regret, Rejection? Experiencing any one of those can be emotionally difficult, but, really . . . it's nothing that you can't move on from. As cliché as it is, when one door closes, another opens. . .Life goes on. . .And, the more you practice and experience anything that seems scary or that hurts, the stronger you become as you learn to cope with pain. As humans, we are incredible adaptors and survivors-it's instinctual.

When you do something, do it with intention, whatever that may be and challenge yourself to push past the fear. Each action should be a movement in a greater dance, whether it is a moving meditation or part of a choreographed routine. Be in the moment and be passionate. . . for yourself. This is one of my goals for the new year-to live each day with intention and passion. This doesn't mean I have to be too serious and cannot have spontenatity, but I really want to love and be happy with everything I do because if you don't and are just leaves blowing in the wind, you are passively just existing. . And, for what then? If you're not happy with something, change . .. Or, have patience and accept where you're at as a small part of your path and use it to explore and discover. After all, it's the journey that is most important.

I do have some recipes to post, inspired by an international holiday/Christmas party last night but I'm feeling music right now that is blog worthy tonight. After being cooped up in bed for a couple days, I was dreaming about dancing and flying around the pole and all the drippy music that makes me loose myself in my head and connect with my body. It's a great feeling to experience loving something so much that you don't know what you would do with out it-not questioning where the intention or passion comes from because you are so confident of it within.

Nora Jones-Chasing Pirates and Kings of Leon-Closer: